Protecting your Income

What types of Protection Insurance Policies are there?

This is by no means a definitive list, but here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Life Assurance – designed to help you receive a Lump Sum which you can use for any purpose – including the repayment of a Mortgage or other debt.

Life Assurance gives you the knowledge of knowing that your loved ones are taken care of financially - although having Life Assurance isn't a contractual obligation in order to be approved for a Mortgage, lenders do recommend that you have a policy in place to repay the Mortgage in the event of your passing.  Doing so can mean that your loved ones don't have to worry about meeting monthly mortgage payments if the worst did happen to you, or your partner if you have one.

The lump sum can be used to repay an existing mortgage, or to leave a lump sum to your loved ones to alleviate other financial pressures.

  • Critical Illness Cover – designed to help you receive a Lump Sum tax-free if you were diagnosed with a Critical Illness during the policy term.

Critical Illness is designed to assist you, or your family should you be unable to work after being diagnosed with a Critical Illness covered by this specific policy.  Your diagnosed illness would need to be covered within the policy, but if a successful claim is made, policy proceeds can be released after diagnosis - tax-free.

  • Income Protection – designed to help you to maintain your lifestyle once any Sick Pay arrangements cease, or if you are Self-Employed.

Income Protection is a type of policy which offers financial support if you are unable to work due to illness or injury - it's designed specifically to replace part of your normal earned income, and the benefits paid (which can be tailored to your circumstances) are received by you tax-free.

  • Family Income Benefit – designed to provide a regular tax-free income for your Household if you were to pass away.

If a Family Member named on a Mortgage passes away, although Life Assurance can repay the amount owed on a Mortgage, a gap can still be left in the family finances through the loss of part of the household income - Family Income Benefit is designed to bridge that gap, offering a monthly sum that can be used for any purpose, for example, covering household bills or perhaps increased childcare costs.

There are many permutations of cover available which we can investigate for you - where the amount of cover reduces over time, the cover can remain the same, or it can increase each year if you wish.

We are within uncertain times for everyone, with Mortgage Interest Rates increasing and the Cost of Living rising we offer you a FREE review of existing Personal Insurance Policies.


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